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May the Force of Strategic Technology Procurement Be with You

As we roll into 2024, technology teams, finance, and procurement are feeling the heat.  The challenge?  Streamlining spending, ditching the fluff, and squeezing maximum value from technology investments and renewals. 


To navigate this terrain successfully, here’s the big picture on what they need:


  1. Tech Stack Vision & Precision:  Get the 411 on your entire technology service stack, down to the nitty-gritty.

  2. Expense & Contract Sleuthing:  Be a Sherlock with your contracts and expenses – know them inside and out.  

  3. Jedi-Like Identification & Justification of Optimization Levers:  Quick and strategic moves to identify and justify available technology optimization levers.


Being equipped with this data is the first step, but here’s where it gets complicated… 


Diving into the tech-buying jungle becomes a complex endeavor requiring a wealth of resources, a time machine for real-time knowledge of a diverse supplier and solution marketplace, insights into up to the minute competitive pricing, and a knack for reading the minds of suppliers.  Plus, you must have the innate ability to whip up business documentation like a pro for internal justification.  Tough gig for tech leaders already juggling numerous enablement priorities.  


Enter the Power of Strategic Technology Procurement...


What is Strategic Technology Procurement?


It’s like having a tech-savvy, master of both technology and the supplier marketplace, as your sidekick.  Real-time low-down on suppliers, a Sherlock-level analysis of spend, and Jedi-like moves for delivering the best overall value on technology renewals and evaluations. Strategic technology procurement seamlessly integrates agnostic engineering excellence, real-time supplier and market information, spend analysis, insights into vendor margin, and negotiation tactics to ensure the best possible outcome. It also encompasses technology assessments on high-value solutions to ensure alignment with company KPIs.  

Basically, it’s about securing the best outcomes from your purchasing strategy by teaming up with an EXPERT companion who’s got your back on every aspect.


How is Strategic Technology Procurement Different?  


It’s a mindset shift.  The key differentiator lies in how companies perceive and approach the procurement process.  The high-performing organizations aren’t blindly sticking with the usual suspects or doing the RFP tango with a few big names.  They are teaming up with Jedi-like partners who have a deep understanding of the market who can cut through the noise, deliver assessments in tune with company goals, and juggle suppliers and technology road mapping like it’s no big deal. 


The right tech partner lightens the load, delivers an optimization playbook, crafts top notch assessments aligned with KPI’s, conducts competitive RFXs across diverse suppliers and solutions, and delivers results that propel the business forward while concurrently reducing risk and costs, and enhancing efficiency and agility across the technology stack.  This approach alleviates internal resource strain allowing leaders to focus on more critical priorities.


Changing up your approach on how you tackle technology renewals and investments by teaming up with EXPERTS, doesn't just unlock hidden tech potential; it's a golden ticket for growth across the entire business.


At t2BEXPERTS, we're not your typical tech advisors – think of us as your GPS in the jungle, cutting through chaos to provide quick, results-driven clarity.  Our tech whisperers ensure a clear roadmap for success with insider insights and real-time data, all while aligning with your KPIs and delivering a strong ROI.


Unlocking the power starts with a conversation about the possibility of leveraging us to assess, identify opportunities and build a roadmap for success.  


May the force be with you!

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